The Friends of Multilateralism Group
Instructions for participation in FMG events
- When participating in events organized by the FMG either virtually or in person, participants should indicate their names, titles and their affiliation (for example, Amb./PR XXX, “France”or “French Mission to the WTO”).
- Affiliations should reflect the official nomenclature used by the WTO.
- IGO and NGOs should use their official affiliation (for example,“WEF” or “World Economic Forum”).
- When making interventions, participants should also use the above-mentioned nomenclature.
Interview Series: MC12 and beyond
FMG MC12 Interview with Wendy Cutler
On July 7th, the FMG organized the 16th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Ms. Wendy Cutler, FMG member, Vice President of the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) and former Acting Deputy U.S. Trade Representative on...
FMG MC12 Interview with Stuart Harbinson
On June 30th, the FMG organized the 15th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Mr. Stuart Harbinson, FMG member and Former Chief Representative of HK China to the WTO on MC12 outcomes about JSIs, the opportunities and...
FMG MC12 Interview with Ram Etwareea
On June 24th, the FMG organized the 14th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Mr. Ram Etwareea, Journalist of Economic & Finance at Le Temps, Switzerland on MC12 outcomes, the opportunities and challenges ahead, and...
FMG MC12 Interview with Sherry Stephenson
On June 24th, the FMG organized the 13th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Hamid Mamdouh, FMG member interviewed Ms. Sherry Stephenson, FMG member and Services Convenor for the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) of the WTO on MC12 outcomes on...
FMG MC12 Interview with Victor Do Prado
On June 22nd, the FMG organized the 12th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Mr. Victor Do Prado, FMG member and former Director of Council and Trade Negotiations Committee at the WTO on the green room process and...
FMG MC12 Interview with Hamid Mamdouh
On June 21st, the FMG organized the 11th session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Mr. Hamid Mamdouh, FMG member and Former Director of Trade in Services and Investment Division of the WTO on MC12 outcomes on WTO reform, the...
FMG MC12 Interview with Jayashree Watal
On June 23rd, the FMG organized the tenth session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Thu-lang Tran Wasescha, FMG member interviewed Ms. Jayashree Watal, FMG member and Professor at the National Law University, Delhi on WTO MC12 outcomes on TRIPs waiver, the...
FMG MC12 Interview with Jonathan Fried
On June 21st, the FMG organized the ninth session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG interviewed Mr. Jonathan Fried, FMG member and former Ambassador of Canada to the WTO on the MC12 outcomes on Dispute Settlement Body, the opportunities...
FMG MC12 Interview with Clemens Boonekamp
On June 24th, the FMG organized the eighth session of its interview series “MC12 and Beyond”. Patrick Low, Co-Chair of the FMG Board interviewed Mr. Clemens Boonekamp, FMG member and former Director of the Agriculture Division of the WTO on MC12 outcomes on...
FMG MC12 Interview with Alice Tipping
On June 23rd, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized the seventh session of its interview series "MC12 and Beyond". Alejandro Jara, Co-Chair of FMG Board interviewed Ms. Alice Tipping, Lead of Fisheries Subsidies at the International Institute for...