Patrick Low
Co-Chair of Board
Former Chief Economist of WTO
Fellow, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong (2015-present)
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Business and Economic, University of Hong Kong (2015-2019)
Teaching Executive MBAs (two courses: trade, and climate change), and research on trade, investment, services and global value chains, and on international trade relations
Vice President of Research and Senior Fellow, Fung Global Institute (2013-2015)
Responsible for certain of the Institute’s research programmes, with particular emphasis on the policy implications of global value chains particularly in relation to servcies.
Chief Economist, WTO (1997-2013)
Responsible for economic research and statistics within the WTO. Also responsible for the WTO’s flagship publication, the World Trade Report and several statistical publications.
Adjunct Professor of International Trade, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva (2004-2013)
Responsibility for one course per semester at Masters level – one on trade theory, the theory of trade policy and institutional cooperation on trade; the other on climate change and trade – and also for thesis supervision at the Masters and Doctoral level.
Chief of Staff, WTO (1999-2001)
Head of Cabinet during Director-General Mike Moore’s tenure.
Previous positions in the WTO (1995 – 1997)
Counsellor, Trade in Services Division
World Bank (1990-1994)
Senior Economist in the research complex of IBRD
Independent Consultant (1987-1990 and 1994)
Consultancy work undertaken for OECD, OECD Development Centre, Commission of the European Union (TACIS), World Bank, UNCTAD, Inter-American Development Bank, Central American Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Government of Mexico, Government of Venezuela.
Visiting Professor, El Colegio de México, Mexico City (1988-1990)
Classes on economics and political economy to graduates
Member of the GATT Secretariat (1980-1988)
Held various positions in the GATT Secretariat