On September 21 2023, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an online internal briefing on ICC’s trade strategy by Valerie Picard, Head of Trade at ICC, and Hamid Mamdouh, FMG member and Former Director of Trade in Services and Investment Division of the WTO. Prof. Xiankun Lu, CEO and Co-Founder of FMG moderated this meeting.
At the meeting, Valerie Picard presented the ICC Concept Note on WTO Reform and Hamid Mamdouh shared his comments. Then, the participants had a discussion on this topic.
Over ten members of FMG participated in the meeting.
Annex: List of Participants
Xiankun Lu (FMG)
Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)
Deborah Elms (FMG)
Stuart Harbinson (FMG)
Bernard Hoekman (FMG)
Alejandro Jara (FMG)
Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)
Petros C. Mavroidis (FMG)
Mia Mikic (FMG)
Victor Do Prado (FMG)
Sherry Stephenson (FMG)
John M Weekes (FMG)
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