On September 27, 2024, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an online brainstorming session to discuss about Exchange Rates, Trade, and Trade Policies.  Brad McDonald, FMG member and Deputy of Trade Policy, external sector Division at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) moderated this session.    


At the meeting, Mark Sobel, US Chairman at Official Monetary and Financial Institutional Forum (OMFIF) shared his opinion on this topic. Petros C Mavroidis, FMG member and Professor of Law at Columbia Law School; Hector Torres, FMG member abd former Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF); Jonathan Fried, FMG member and former Canada’s Ambassador to the WTO shared their comments. Then, the panelists answered questions from participants.


Nearly 40 participants joined the session, including members of FMG, Ambassadors/DPRs of WTO members, representatives from related international organizations, and experts from renowned think tanks and universities etc.


Recording of this session can be watched via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrA-2oSIuCw.



Annex 1: Programme



Opening Remarks

Speaker: Brad McDonald (FMG)



Speaker: Brad McDonald (FMG)





Moderator: Brad McDonald (FMG)

15:05- 15:25

Speaker 1: Mark Sobel (OMFIF)


Discussant 1: Petros C. Mavroidis (FMG)  


Discussant 2: Hector Torres (FMG)


Discussant 3 : Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)  



15:46- 16:30


Moderator: Brad McDonald (FMG)


Annex 2: confirmed participants



Mercedes Araoz (FMG)

Rajesh Aggarwal (FMG)

Hilda Al-Hinai (FMG)

Rajesh Aggarwal (FMG)

Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)

Jonathan Fried (FMG)

Stuart Harbinson (FMG)

Robert Koopman (FMG)

Patrick Low (FMG)

Hector Torres (FMG)

Jesse Kreier (FMG)

Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)

Mario Matus (FMG)

Petros Mavroidis (FMG)

Brad McDonald (FMG)

Mohammed Saeed (FMG)

Sherry Stephenson (FMG)

Alan Wolff (FMG)

Michele Ruta (FFMG)


WTO Missions

Argentina: Lunazzi Gustavo, Ambassador

Cabo Verde: Clara Delgado, Ambassador

EU: Hiddo Houben, DPR

Kenya: Cleopa Mailu, Ambassador

Korea: Jung Sung PARK, Ambassador

Netherlands: Audrey Goosen, Ambassador

Russia: Nikolai Platonov, Ambassador

Thailand: Pimchanok Pitfield, Ambassador

EU: Hiddo Houben, DPR

Latvia: Renārs Danelsons, DPR

Switzerland: Martin Zbinden, DPR

Slovenia: Maruša Baus, Counsellor


International Organizations

Julia Nielson, OECD

Taylor Pearce, OMFIF

Adam Jakubik, IMF

Rolf Traeger, UNCTAD



André Sapir, Université libre de Bruxelles

Robert Wolfe, Queen’s University


Think Tanks

William Reinsch, CSIS