On June 21 2023, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an online brainstorming session to discuss “What Can We Learn from MPIA for DSU Reform”. Jonathan T. Fried, FMG member and former Ambassador of Canada to the WTO moderated this session.    


At the meeting, Mauricio Salcedo, Head of International Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism of Colombia; Niall Meagher, Executive Director of the ACWL; James Flett, Deputy to the Director of the Trade Policy and WTO Team of the European Commission Legal Service shared their insights on what we can learn from MPIA for DSU reform. Jesse Kreier, former Acting Director of WTO Rules Division; and Petros C. Mavroidis, FMG member and Professor of Law at Columbia Law School shared their comments. Then, the speakers answered the questions from the participants.  


More than 60 participants joined the session, including members of FMG, Ambassadors/DPRs of WTO members, Directors of WTO divisions, MPIA Arbitrators, representatives from related international organizations, and experts from renowned think tanks and universities etc.


Recording of this session can be watched via:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLBx8JbCm1A.



Annex 1: Programme



Opening Remarks

Speaker: Xiankun Lu (FMG)



Speaker:   Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)





Moderator:  Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)

15:05- 15:20

Speaker 1: Mauricio Salcedo (University Externado de Colombia)

15:20- 15:35

Speaker 2: Niall Meagher (ACWL)


  Speaker 3: James Flett (European Comission)


Discussant 1: Jesse Kreier (Georgetown University Law Center)


Discussant 2: Petros C. Mavroidis (FMG)  



15:56- 16:30


Moderator:  Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)



Annex 2: List of Confirmed Participants



Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Axel Addy (FMG)

Mercedes Araoz (FMG)

Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)

Daniel Crosby (FMG)

Deborah Elms (FMG)

Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)

Stuart Harbinson (FMG)

Jianzhong Huang (FMG)

Bernard Hoekman (FMG)

Masamichi KONO (FMG)

Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)

Mario Matus (FMG)

Fernando De Mateo (FMG)

Pradeep S Mehta (FMG)

Michitaka Nakatomi (FMG)


Sherry Stephenson (FMG)

Peter Ungphakorn (FMG)

Jayashree Watal (FMG)

Alan Wolff (FMG)


Brad McDonald (FFMG)


  1. WTO Missions

EU: João Aguiar MACHADO, Ambassador

Germany: Betinna Waldmann, Ambassador

India: P.S. GANGADHAR, Ambassador

Korea: Jung Sung PARK, Ambassador

Montenegro: Slavica Milacic, Ambassador

Russian Federation: Dmitry LYAKISHEV, Ambassador

Slovak Republic: Judita Brzobohatá, Ambassador

Norway: Petter ØLBERG, Ambassador

Argentina: Josefina Bunge, DPR

Australia: Jeremy Green, DPR

Costa Rica: Jaime Coghi, DPR

EU: Hiddo Houben, DPR

Hong Kong SAR of China: Drew LAI, DPR

Hungary: Szilárd MOGYORÓSI, DPR

Israel: Shir Slutzky, DPR

Ireland: Clare MCNAMARA, DPR

Luxembourg: Christiane Daleiden, DPR


  • WTO Secretariat

Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor for Research on Legal Policy, Economic Research and Statistics Division

Antony Taubman, Director, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division


  1. MPIA Arbitrators

Joost Pauwelyn

Claudia Orozco

Mateo Diego-Fernández

Valerie Hughes


  1. Think Tanks

Bill Reinsch, PIIE


  1. Universities

Peter Van den Bossche, WTI

Andre Sapir, Columbia University