Xiankun LU was interviewed on 30th March 2020 by China Radio International on the “Multiparty Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement” (MPIA), a stop-gap measure to reflect the temporary paralysis of the WTO’s appeal function for trade disputes agreed on 27th March 2020 by 16 WTO members.
The full interview can be downloaded via (from 11 to 20 minutes): http://ezfm.cri.cn/schedule/detail?programId=210630&type=history&origin=ezfm
The transcript of the interview can be downloaded via: https://fmg-geneva.org/transcript-of-interview-on-mpia/
The relevant information about MPIA can be downloaded via: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_538.
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