Dorotea LÓPEZ
Member of FMG
Professor at the University of Chile and Director of the Institute of International Studies
Dorotea López is a full Professor at the University of Chile and Director of the Institute of International Studies. Shel is an economist from the Mexican Autonomos International Institute, ITAM. After that she was granted the Ford and Conacyt scholarships and obtained a Master of Philosophy in Economics at Cambridge University, UK. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Chile, with the thesis of “The economic development strategies of Chile:The case of the export of services since 1990”.
She worked at the Mexican Central Bank Operation Division, at the Mexican Economic Secretary, as the OECD Area Director. Afterwards, joined the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as an economist in the area of Trade in Services and Investment. She holds the WTO Chair from Chile. With the Chair team they started a Master Programme in Trade Policy and founded the Latin American Journal of Trade Policy.
She is a researcher of the ICLAC Millennium Nucleus on China and Latin American Relations. Her main areas of interest and publication are trade policy services and gender.
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