On 17 April 2020, The Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) and The Punta del Este Group (PEG) co-organized a virtual brainstorming titled “To Combat Covid-19: How can trade help?”.


H.E. Ernesto TALVI, Uruguay Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador Alan Wolff, WTO Deputy Director-General,  Professor Simon EVENETT, member of FMG and Professor St. Gallen University, Ms. Anabel GONZALEZ, member of FMG and PEG and non-resident researcher of Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), shared their insights on the impact of the Convid-19 crisis, global trade dynamics since the pandemic, and recommendations to fight the coronavirus and speed economic recovery.


Over 50 participants, including members from FMG, PEG, Friends of FMG (FFMG), over 20 Ambassadors of WTO members, senior representatives from the WTO, the FAO and other institutions, discussed how trade can contribute to international efforts to combat Convid-19, particularly through actions by the G20 and the WTO.



Annex: Programme of FMG and PEG Online Brainstorming on Covid-19 and Trade