On December 7, 2022, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an internal briefing by Clare Kelly, New Zealand’s Ambassador to the WTO and Michelle Slade, Principal Adviser of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Trade and Economic Group on fossil fuel subsidy reform (FFSR). Xiankun Lu, Founder and CEO of FMG moderated this session.


At the meeting, Ambassador Clare Kelly and Michelle Slade shared their insights on the current progress and future challenges of FFSR, and then answered the questions from the participants.


Annex: List of confirmed participants



Daniel Crosby (FMG)

Jonathan T. Fried (FMG)

Stuart Harbinson (FMG)

Alejandro Jara (FMG)

Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Michitaka Nakatomi (FMG)

Sherry Stephenson (FMG)

Alan Wolff (FMG)


2.WTO Missions

Clare Kelly (New Zealand’s Ambassador to the WTO)
Michelle Slade (Principal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Trade and Economic Group)