On May 30, 2024, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an internal briefing session to discuss about US Trade Policy. Xiankun Lu, CEO of FMG moderated this session.  


At the meeting, William Reinsch, Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); and Thibault Denamiel, Assistant Fellow at CSIS shared the opinions on their recent paper titled “The Trade Winds Are Turning: Insights into the 2024 National Trade Estimate”, the US trade policy and future trend. Then, the panelists answered the questions from the participants.  


Nearly 20 FMG members joined the session.


Annex 1: Confirmed participants list



Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Hilda Al-Hinai (FMG)

Rajesh Aggarwal (FMG)

Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)

Jennifer Hillman (FMG)

Wenhua Ji (FMG)

Alejandro Jara (FMG)

Siqi Li (FMG)

Brad McDonald (FMG)


Mia Mikic (FMG)

Maxim Medvedkov (FMG)

Michitaka Nakatomi (FMG)


Xinquan Tu (FMG)

Peter Ungphakorn (FMG)

Alan Wolff (FMG)

Wenhua Ji (FMG)