On July 8th 2021, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) has organized an online brainstorming on the recent paper “New Pathways for Progress in Multilateral Trade Negotiations in Agriculture” by Pathways Group.
Carmel Cahill, member of Pathways Group and former Deputy Director for Trade and Agriculture at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); Stefan Tangermann, member of Pathways Group and former Director for Trade and Agriculture (OECD) presented the proposal to the audience. Professor Alan Matthews at Trinity College Dublin shared his comments as discussant.
Over 20 participants joined the brainstorming, including members of FMG, Friends of FMG (FFMG) and Punta del Este Group (PEG), Ambassadors and DPRs of WTO members, and Directors of WTO Divisions.
Recording of this session can be found via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKk_3CPrEnk
Annex 1: Programme
15:00-15:05 |
Opening Remarks Xiankun LU (FMG) |
15:05-15:45 |
Presentations Moderator: Clemens Boonekamp (FMG) |
15:05-15:20 |
Carmel Cahill (New Pathways) |
15:20-15:35 |
Stefan Tangermann (New Pathways) |
15:35-15:45 |
Alan Matthews (Trinity College, Dublin) |
15:45-16:30 |
Discussions Moderator: Clemens Boonekamp (FMG) |
Annex 2:
Confirmed Participants
1.FMG/FFMG/PEG members
Clemens Boonekamp (FMG, moderator)
Mario Matus (FMG/PEG)
Xiankun Lu (FMG)
Guillermo Valles Galmes (FMG/PEG)
Mia Mikic (FMG)
Alan Wolff (FMG)
Stuart Harbinson (FMG)
Jonathan Fried (FMG)
Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)
Hajo Lanz (FFMG)
Andreas Esche (FFMG)
2.WTO Missions
Russia: Dmitry LYAKISHEV, Ambassador
Singapore: TAN Hung Seng, Ambassador
Mexico: Ángel VILLALOBOS RODRÍGUEZ, Ambassador
Netherlands: Marcel VERNOOIJ, DPR
Argentina: Josefina BUNGE, DPR
China: LI Yihong, DPR
Singapore: Darryl LEONG, DPR
Australia: Rebecca Barton, Counsellor
EU: Flavio Coturni, Head of Agriculture, Food and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Matters
UK: Fabian Seshadri, Agriculture Counsellor
3.WTO Divisions
Edwini Kessie (Director, Agriculture and Commodities Division)
Maika Oshikawa (Director, Accessions Division)
4.Other Stakeholders
Carmel Cahill (Pathways, speaker)
Stefan Tangermann (Pathways, speaker)
Alan Matthews (Trinity College, Dublin, discussant)
Pierre Sauve (World Bank)
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