On 28 November 2023, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an online brainstorming session on Trade and National Security. Patrick Low, Co-Chair of FMG Board and former senior economist of WTO moderated this session.


At the session, Alan Wolff, FMG Board Member and former Deputy Director-General of WTO; Bernard Hoekman, FMG member and Director of the Global Economics at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI); Petros Mavroidis, FMG member and Professor of Law at Columbia Law School; Liao Shiping, Youth Yangtze River Professor at Beijing Normal University shared their insights on this topic and answered the questions from the audience.


Over 50 participants joined the session, including members of FMG, Ambassadors/DPRs of WTO members, Directors of WTO divisions, representatives from related international organizations, and experts from renowned think tanks and universities etc.


The background readings for this session are as below:

Saving the WTO from the national security exception” (by Alan Wolff)

Non-economic Objectives, Globalisation and Multilateral Trade Cooperation” (by Bernard

Hoekman and Petros Mavroidis)


The recording of this session could be watched via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0f4HOCRAAo.


Annex 1: Programme


Opening Remarks

Speaker: Xiankun Lu (FMG)



Speaker: Patrick Low (FMG)



Moderator: Patrick Low (FMG)

14:05- 14:15 Speaker 1: Alan Wolff (FMG)
14:15-14:25 Speaker 2: Bernard Hoekman (FMG)
14:25- 14:35 Speaker 3: Petros Mavroidis (FMG)
14:35-14:45 Speaker 4: Liao Shiping (Beijing Normal University)
14:45- 15:30


Moderator: Patrick Low (FMG)




Annex 2: List of Confirmed Participants



Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Hilda Al-Hinai (FMG)

Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)

Simon Evenett (FMG)

Henry Gao (FMG)

Bernard Hoekman (FMG)

Siqi Li (FMG)

Alejandro Jara (FMG)

Patrick Low (FMG)

Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)


Maxim Medvedkov (FMG)

Michitaka Nakatomi (FMG)

Victor Do Prodo (FMG)

Evan Rogerson (FMG)


Jayashree Watal (FMG)

John M Weekes (FMG)

Alan Wolff (FMG)


Brad McDonald (FMG)

Niall Meagher (FFMG)

Valerie Picard (FFMG)


2. WTO Missions

Australia: Jeremy Green, DPR

Austria: Raphael Draschtak, First Secretary

Argentina:  Pedro Negueloaetcheverry, Counsellor

Brazil: Guilherme Patriota, Ambassador

Egypt: Ahmed Ihab GAMALELDIN, Ambassador

EU: Hiddo Houben, DPR

Hungary: Szilárd MOGYORÓSI, DPR

Lithuania: Raimondas Alisauskas, Ambassador

UK: Simon J Manley, Ambassador


3. WTO Secretariat

Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor for Research on Legal Policy, Economic Research and Statistics Division

Antony Taubman, Director, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement and Competition Division


4. International Organization

Adam Jakubik, IMF


5. Think Tanks

Bill Reinsch, PIIE


6. Universities

Andre Sapir, Université libre de Bruxelles

Jesse Kreier, Georgetown Univertisy