On February 8, 2024, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) organized an online brainstorming session to discuss about WTO Reform and MC13-Private Sector Perspective. Patrick Low, FMG member and Professor of Columbia Law School moderated this session.    


At the meeting, Valerie Picard, Head of Trade at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC); Hamid Mamdouh, FMG member and former Director of Trade in Services and Investment Division of the WTO; João Aguiar Machado, Ambassador of EU to the WTO; Matthew Wilson, Ambassador of Barbados to the WTO shared their opinions on this topic. Then, the panelists answered the questions from the participants.  



Over 50 participants joined the session, including members of FMG, Ambassadors/DPRs of WTO members, Directors of WTO divisions, representatives from related international organizations, and experts from renowned think tanks and universities etc.


Recording of this session can be watched via:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31P7-bPnwXo.


Annex 1: Programme



Opening Remarks

Speaker: Xiankun Lu (FMG)





Moderator: Patrick Low (FMG)  

14:05- 14:15

Speaker 1: Valerie Picard (ICC)


Speaker 2: Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)

14:25- 14:35

Speaker 3: Ambassador João Aguiar Machado (EU)


Speaker 4: Ambassador Matthew Wilson (Barbados)



14:45- 15:30


Moderator: Patrick Low (FMG)  




Annex 2: List of Confirmed Participants



Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Hilda Al-Hinai (FMG)

Deborah Elms (FMG)

Simon Evenett (FMG)

Patrick Low (FMG)


Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)

Petros Mavroidis (FMG)

Colette van der Ven (FMG)


Sherry Stephenson (FMG)

John Weekes (FMG)

Valerie Picard (FFMG)

Niall Meagher (FFMG)

Sean Doherty (FFMG)


WTO Missions

Austria: Brigitte LÜTH, Counsellor

Barbados: Matthew Wilson, Ambassador

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mirza Hujić, Assistant Minister

Egypt: Ahmed Ihab GAMALELDIN, Ambassador

EU: João Aguiar Machado, Ambassador

Hongkong, China: Drew LAI, DPR

Germany: Bettina Waldmann, Ambassador

Korea: Jung Sung PARK, DPR

The Repblic of Niger: Laouali Labo, Ambassador

Russian Federation: Dmitry Lyakishev, Ambassador

Singapore: Darryl Leong, DPR

Sweden: Nina Tornberg, Ambassador

Switzerland: Martin Zbinden, DPR

Slovak Republic: Judita BRZOBOHATÁ, Ambassador


WTO Secretariat

Willy Alfaro, Director, Trade Policies Review Division

Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor for Research on Legal Policy, Economic Research and Statistics Division



Adam Jakubik, IMF



Wenhua Ji, UIB