On March 25th 2021, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) has organized an internal online briefing on the WTO negotiation on Domestic Regulation on Service.

Jaime Coghi, Minister Counsellor of Mission of Costa Rica to the WTO, and Chair of the Joint Statement Initiative of the WTO on domestic regulation for services briefed the audience on the progress of the negotiation, including the potential outcome for the 12th Ministerial Conference of the WTO in December 2021. Hamid Mamdouh, Member of FMG, moderated the meeting.

About 15 participants participated in the brainstorming, including members of FMG, Friends of FMG and Punta del Este Group (PEG), and representatives from related international organizations.




Confirmed Participants


1.FMG/FFMG/PEG members

Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)

Daniel Crosby (FMG)

Simon Evenett (FMG)

Jonathan Fried (FMG)

Anabel Gonzalez (FMG/PEG)

Patrick Low (FMG)

Xiankun Lu (FMG)

Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)

Mario Matus (PEG)

Hector R Torres (FMG)

Sean Doherty (FFMG)


2.Other Stakeholders

Victor Do Prado, WTO

Marion Jansen, OECD

Pierre Sauve, World Bank