On 13th July 2021, the Friends of Multilateralism Group (FMG) has organized an webinar on the Ebook “Rebooting Multilateral Trade Cooperation: Perspectives from China and Europe” by the European University Institute (EUI) of Italy and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) of China.
Professor Bernard Hoekman, FMG member and and Director at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of EUI, and Professor TU Xinquan, FMG member and Dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies of UIBE presented the main findings of this Ebook to the audience. YI Xiaozhun, former DDG of WTO; Alan Wolff, FMG member and former DDG of WTO; Jean-Marie Paugam, WTO DDG; and Dr. Deborah Elms, FMG member, shared their comments as discussants. Patrick Low, Co-Chair of the FMG Board moderated this webinar. And Mia Mikic, FMG Board Member, made an opening speech on behalf of FMG.
Over 40 participants joined the brainstorming, including members of FMG, Friends of FMG and Punta del Este Group (PEG), Ambassadors/DPRs of WTO members, and Directors of WTO Divisions etc.
The recording of this session can be watched via: https://youtu.be/EUMdQJeiiIQ
Annex 1: Programme of the webinar
15:00-15:05 |
Opening Remarks Mia Mikic (FMG) |
15:05-15:30 |
Presentations |
Bernard Hoekman (EUI, FMG) |
Xinquan Tu (UIBE) |
15:30-16:00 |
Discussant comments (7-8 minutes each) |
Yi Xiaozhun (UIBE, Former DDG, WTO) |
Alan Wolff (PIIE, former DDG, WTO) |
Jean-Marie Paugam (DDG, WTO) |
Deborah Elms (Executive Director, Asian Trade Centre) |
16:00-16:30 |
General Q&A |
Moderator for the whole webinar: Patrick Low (FMG) |
Annex 2: List of confirmed participants
Confirmed Participants
1.FMG/FFMG/PEG members
Mercedes Araoz (FMG)
Clemens Boonekamp (FMG)
Deborah Elms (FMG, discussant)
Jonathan Fried (FMG)
Stuart Harbinson (FMG)
Bernard Hoekman (FMG, speaker)
Eunice Huang (FMG)
Xiankun LU (FMG)
Patrick Low (FMG, moderator)
Cecilia Malmström (FMG)
Hamid Mamdouh (FMG)
Mia Mikic (FMG)
Alan Wolff (FMG, discussant)
Xinquan TU (FFMG, speaker)
Andreas Esche (FFMG)
2.WTO Missions
Egypt: Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin, Ambassador
Mexico: Angel VILLALOBOS, Ambassador
Russia: Dmitry Lyakishev, Ambassador
EU: Hiddo Houben, DPR
Mexico: Ismael Ortiz, DPR
3.WTO Secretariat
Jean-Marie Paugam, DDG, WTO, discussant
Willy Alfaro, Director, Trade Policies Review Division
4.Other Stakeholders
YI Xiaozhun (UIBE, Former DDG, WTO, discussant)
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