Jesse George KREIER

Jesse George KREIER

Member of FMG

Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center (dispute settlement) and the American University Washington College of Law (trade remedies)



2019 – present

Adjunct Professor of Law. Mr. Kreier teaches international trade law at Georgetown University Law Center (dispute settlement) and the American University Washington College of Law (trade remedies), coaches the Georgetown John H. Jackson WTO Moot Court team, and is the organizer of Georgetown’s annual Global Trade Academy. He has lectured on trade law topics for numerous institutions (British Institute for International & Comparative Law, Geneva Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies, Harvard Law School, International Trade Centre, International Trade Institute, National University of Singapore, Queens University, University of St. Petersburg, University of the West Indies, University of the Western Cape, World Trade Institute), and is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Economic Law and the Global Trade and Customs Journal. He has conducted studies and other projects related to international trade law issues, with a focus on subsidies, trade remedies and dispute settlement, principally for intergovernmental organizations (World Bank, IMF, World Trade Organization). He has served as the Chair of two Binational Panels under the NAFTA/USMCA and is on the roster of arbitrators for various UK FTAs.  


1992 – 2018

Acting Director, Rules Division, WTO Secretariat, Geneva Switzerland. Mr Kreier served in the Rules Division of the WTO (and previously GATT) Secretariat for 26 years, starting as legal officer, progressing through Counsellor and retiring as Acting Director at the end of 2018.  During his time in the Rules Division, which is responsible for the Agreements on Anti-Dumping, Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Safeguards, Trade-Related Investment Measures and Trade in Civil Aircraft, Mr. Kreier was deeply involved in in all aspects of the Division’s work. Mr Kreier for many years served as the Division’s Chief Legal Officer, supervising all Rules-related dispute settlement (which accounts for nearly half of all WTO disputes), and previously as legal officer to numerous WTO panels. He was also Secretary to the Rules Negotiating Group, which is the forum for negotiations on anti-dumping, subsidies and fisheries subsidies in the Doha Development Round, from its inception. He serviced negotiations for an Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft (and was the primary author of the draft Agreement) and participated in the final phases of the Uruguay Round. He served as Secretary of the Committees on Subsidies and on Trade-Related Investment Measures, and of the Working Party on State Trading Enterprises. As Secretary of the Technical Group and of the Working Group on Implementation, he led WTO efforts to encourage global technical exchange among trade remedy authorities. In addition, Mr. Kreier conducted numerous training programs for government officials of WTO Members, including as administrator of a World Bank project to assist an African country to develop a trade remedy regime, and lectured at universities and participated in academic conferences around the world.        


1987 – 1992

International Trade Attorney, Dewey Ballantine, Washington, D.C. Prior to joining the GATT/WTO Secretariat, Mr. Kreier practiced international trade law and policy in Washington, D.C., representing a diverse group of US and foreign companies. Among his areas of practice were anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on behalf of US and foreign clients (including leading a large team of lawyers and economists preparing a major multi-country CVD filing before the US Department of Commerce), and representing client interests in various international trade negotiations (Uruguay Round, Multilateral Steel Agreement, NAFTA).   


   1986 – 1987

  Judicial Clerk, Honorable Donald Burnett, Jr., Idaho Court of Appeals.  Mr. Kreier served as judicial clerk in this appellate court, where he was responsible for assisting Judge Burnett in the research and drafting of legal opinions on a wide range of issues, including property, contract, business, family and constitutional law.




1982 – 1986

Juris Doctor, Magna Cum Laude, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. Associate editor, Georgetown Law Journal.  Order of the Coif.  During his studies, Mr Kreier participated in Georgetown’s criminal justice clinic, representing indigent defendants in DC Superior Court.     


1982 -1986

Master of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C (joint degree program with the Law Center). Coursework focused on political science, history, international economics and languages.     



1977 – 1981

Bachelor of Arts, international affairs concentration, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.  Phi Beta Kappa, Dean’s list. Coursework focused on political science, history, economics and languages.  Mr Kreier spent his junior year abroad at Syracuse University’s Center in Florence, Italy.   




“Anti-Circumvention in the Multilateral System: Plus ça Change”, in Global Trade and Customs Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 11 & 12, November/December 2016 (with Seref Coskun and Hiromi Yano).


Contingent Trade Remedies and WTO Dispute Settlement: Some Particularities“, in Selected Issues on WTO Dispute Settlement, Cambridge University Press (2005).


Brazil“, in Conflict Among Nations – Trade Policies in the 1990s, Westview Press, 1992.


Howell, Noellert, Kreier and Wolff, Steel and the State, Westview Press, 1988.



Personal information


Mr. Kreier, a United States citizen, was born 5 November 1958 in Champaign, Illinois.  He is married and has two grown children.  He speaks English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.